What better way to start off my new blog than by saying hello and telling you a little more about me.
So I’m Danielle, and I have worked in the bridal industry for over a decade now. I am that typical little girl who loved Cinderella and when asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, always replied with “I’m going to make wedding dresses!” And here I am!
At school I was a bit of a nerd and actually still really enjoy learning. My favourite subjects were of course Art and Textiles which I excelled in. As well working with fabrics, I actually loved painting and often considered focusing on becoming an artist instead. When I was introduced to the designer Alexander McQueen however, I knew my fate was sealed and would have to follow the design route. I then secured a little job in a bridal boutique when I was 15 and quickly knew there was no going back for me; the bridal industry was where I had to be.
I studied Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University, and thoroughly enjoyed my course, especially learning about pattern drafting as I already knew the basics of sewing. My mum taught me how to sew and would always create incredible costumes for me for school plays and theme days etc. After graduating I completed a six month internship in a bridal couture house in Nottingham before returning home to Doncaster, where I now have my home studio.
While trying to figure out exactly what my career would look like, I created The Principium Collection as a follow on from my degree collection. Sadly however it has remained in storage ever since. I didn’t realise it at the time but was battling with bad anxiety and depression resulting in the collection not been up to my usual perfectionist standard. At the time I thought it to be massive failure but realise now how much I learned and grew from the whole process.

Whilst finishing my degree and many, many years after I worked at Be Envied Bridal Boutique, eventually becoming Manager. Be Envied was a home away from home for me and will always have a special place in my heart. I gained another family from working there and gained valuable insight into what brides really want from their wedding dress.
Deciding to leave the boutique was the hardest and scariest decision I have ever made. The lockdown in 2020 gave me a lot of time to think and re-evaluate what I wanted to achieve in life. So, with the help of my incredible partner James
I came up with a plan. Considering all the options, pros and cons, I finally made the leap to become full-time self employed and launch my debut bridal collection in the spring of 2021.

Now I am on this incredible new journey and loving every minute of it. (Well almost every minute, sometimes it’s super stressful and I just need to sleep!)
Wish me luck.
All the best, Danielle 🖤
Amazing Danielle. what more can I say? I hope you believe in yourself now as much as I believed in you! I cannot wait to see what amazing designs you come up with next. love ya loads, JA 💐